
If we go to the roots of what is the landscape of our planet, we are left uniquely with the reliefs that it has traced itself along millions of years in which we are a minimal, almost invisible. And like that it should stay.

While our life fades away in some couple of decades, this planet will still be tracing its life at a speed and in a way we will never, ever be able to be even close to. I feel genuinely inspired by knowing that I live in a place that is so more gigantic in every aspect than me. It is in fact a blessing.

“Reliefs” is a long-term documentary project I have been working for the past 3 years that aims to approach the earth in every

possible angle as the engraving of the history of this planet. In a monochromatic view of my eye of skies, mountains, forests, seas, deserts, coasts, I embrace, hug and show the beauty of the history self-engraved by the earth and the damage we are doing by attempting to be as big as our homeland.


Rodin - Atypique (WIP)


La Paix du Lac